Mothers, Daughters and Anorexia

Mothers, Daughters and Anorexia

Mothers, Daughters and Anorexia First off I am not inferring in any way that mothers are to blame. Mothers have the very important job of being a role model for their daughters; who from birth on watch and copy their mother. Then they become teenagers: they now turn...
Mental illness, can it be caused by a genetic mutation

Mental illness, can it be caused by a genetic mutation

Do you have a genetic mutation which is exacerbating your anorexia, anxiety, depression, stress etc.? Research has now shown that between 5-10% of the population has a genetic mutation which does not allow them to absorb vital nutrition: folic acid, zinc, Biotin,...
Drug free depression treatment that works

Drug free depression treatment that works

Get the "What Doctors Don't Tell You About Depression" eBook Are you looking for a drug free depression treatment which really works? Are you looking for a drug free depression treatment which really works? You just want to get rid of your depression...